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作者:鸿知广大考研网 来源:gzhuky.com 浏览:2163 次 发布时间:2018/11/7

QQ:3007473870(俞老师)    微信号:kaoyan818(布布学姐)



Many Britons feel they have to watch the pennies after recent inflation rises and years of flatlining wages.


This extends to their supermarket shop with four in 10 people reporting they are concerned about the cost of food.


Against this backdrop grocery giant Tesco has joined the discount retailers which the launch of "value-orientated" chain Jack’s.


Yet in relative terms the British grocery shop remains one of the cheapest in the world.


Half the price


Britons spend an average of 8% of their total household expenditure on food to eat at home. This is less than any other country apart from the US and Singapore according to data from market research firm Euromonitor.

英国人平均吃饭开支占家庭开支的8%,据市场战略调查公司 Euromonitor 的一项调查发现,除了美国和新加坡以外,英国是目前全世界在家吃饭开支占家庭开支比最低的国家。

Food spending varies considerably around the world. Greeks spend 16% while Peruvians spend 26%. Nigerians spend the most on food in relative terms - 59% of their household budget.


The food consumed in the UK is also the cheapest in Western Europe - costing 8% less than the EU average according to EU statistical body Eurostat.


It is also much cheaper in relative terms than the food bought by Britons’ parents and grandparents.


The proportion of household income spent on food has more than halved over the past 60 years according to the Office for National Statistics (ONS) while spending on housing costs and leisure activities has doubled.


Rise of the discounters


Why have Britons come to spend less and less of their income on food


It’s partly a reflection of how people shop.


Store loyalty has decreased over time with consumers more likely to shop around for the best prices.


Four out of 10 would not care if their usual supermarket closed one survey of 1500 of UK consumers found. Almost one in five had switched from their main supermarket in the past year.


Technology boost


As with many countries the UK has benefitted from mostly rising incomes while food production has become more efficient.


Farming has become increasingly mechanised which speeds up production and helps to maximise harvests.


At the same time the way food is transported stored and distributed has become increasingly streamlined. All of this has helped to push down the price of groceries in the shops.





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